Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Picmonkey is your Social Media Buddy!

Let's talk PICMONKEY and using it to boost your business today, SOUND GOOD?!

Step 1: Take some pics... do your hair & make-up, have a few tops lined up and take some pics in different poses... standing, sitting, holding a piece of paper, etc...! Use good natural daylight lighting (by a window) and use an app like TimerCam to take them, if needed. Selfies can work too tho!

Step 2: You might find a little tripod like this useful for taking your pics!

Step 3: Watch this video, play around with it, and create yourself a lot of new amazing pics!!

Run a FREE Beachbody on Demand Challenge Group

Here's an idea for a 14-Day FREE Beachbody On Demand Test group!
Here's how you'd promote it:
1. Use the pic below to post about it
2. Invite anyone who has ever given you a price objection
3. They can try BOD for free for 30 days and you know if they follow it they will see results and perhaps want Shakeology or a challenge pack next or to become a coach!
4. Ask them to invite friends, expand your circle!
5. Promote it thru an event

Here's how you'd run it:
1. Follow a schedule... I suggest following this hybrid (I did one for the ladies & one that's a bit more guy-friendly too), so they can try several programs and see what they enjoy!
2. Simple daily fit tips, recipes & info on ShakeO & meal planning in the group... this is a FREE group, so don't go too crazy. Remember Club Membership includes MEAL PLANS, so have them follow one from there!
3. Collect results at the end of 21 days to share! You creating success stories from your groups IS powerful.
4. Plug into your posting script about Shakeology benefits and recipes
5. In your posting script give daily accountability posts for fitness and food and tell them to also post ONTO THEIR PAGE.
6. WATCH to see who is showing up and posting LIKE A COACH, reach out to ask them "You are doing awesome in the group! I love your enthusiasm and motivation. Have you ever considered being a Coach like I am actually running fun groups like this and earning an income from it?
7. Create a group banner with daily expectations of the group; 2x posts daily fitness and nutrition accountability + participate in group challenges and chance to win weekly prize.

- Invite to join:
option1: quarterly cost of $40
Join as a coach to earn and help others:
option2: $160 for the BOD Challenge pack WITH Shakeology + get into my next fitness group

They can sign-up using this direct link:
You may use this post to promote... I suggesting posting this 3x over the course of a few days at different time slots to ensure all of your friends see it!
Here's 14 days worth of posts for your group: <<IN PROCESS>>
I'm going to run a *NEW* kind of F-R-E-E accountability group this month and I'd love to invite YOU to be a part of it! Right now you can try Beachbody's new On Demand streaming workouts right from your very own computer or tablet for FREE for 30 days, so I'm putting together a 2-Week Trim Down to help you get ready for SUMMER!
You receive the following.....
- 11+ programs in Beachbody On Demand to start your journey
- A customized workout schedule to follow
- Customized meal planning, plus ideas, tips & resources
- A private accountability group for support
- Me as your coach the whole 14 days!
If you're interested... just comment below or shoot me a message and I'll get you set up with your free trial and added to my group!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Recommended Reading List for Personal Development

NEW COACH TRAINING: Personal Development
This business is MORE than health and fitness and our own personal journey. 
Its about helping people. 
Its about being the BEST version of ourselves that we can be!
Its about living an EMPOWERED LIFE!

You MUST be reading or listening to at least 10 minutes of personal development DAILY! It will keep you strong, growing and moving forward in your life and your business. I promise you, that you will think that you don't need it, but we all do!!

10 minutes a day EVERY DAY... will feed your mind with positive and strength building ideas and concepts. We are not born leaders, we have to train ourselves to open and expand out minds, thoughts, ideas, how to motivate, lead and live life by design!
I like to use my daily reading to give a positive quote in my daily Facebook posts.

  • * The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
  • * Go Pro, Eric Worre
  • * The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
  • * I Am That Girl,  Alexis Jones
  • * You Are A Badass, Jen Sincero
  • Failing Forward, John Maxwell
  • #GIRLBOSS, Sophia Amaruso
  • No Matter What, Lisa Nichols
  • EntreLeadership, Dave Ramsey
  • The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
  • Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy
  • Daring Greatly, Brene Brown
  • As A Man Thinketh, James Allen
  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell
  • The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz

There are many YouTube audio books! Just pop in your headphones and listen away as you do daily chores like dishes, laundry, vacuuming and cleaning in general! It's such a great way to get your Personal Development in! It definitely isn't going to hurt you!  
* My personal recommendations to start out with these books.  LIFE CHANGING!!

New Coach Quick Start

Our goal is to streamline the learning process and help you get into profit and lay the foundation of your business.
You are now ready to get organized, set up for business and into action and invite to a fitness group! This is the fastest way of getting into action and profit to build a strong solid foundation. 

*Goals you need to be aware of for your first 1-4 months if you want to build an income quickly = 

- Hit Emerald rank with 2 coaches on your team within 10 days
- Running a free clean eating group within 2 weeks
- Running a fitness group with your coach within 30 days and every month there after
- Helping 3-5+ people per month get started with a fitness challenge pack in a fitness group every month (this earns you Success Club 5-10 and people to work with in health and fitness)
- Earn Success Starters by hitting Success Club your first 4 months achieving SC5 in your business = FREE ticket to Summit +  Coaching call with Carl Deikler Team Beachbody CEO

I KNOW......none of these things listed above even make sense right now....that's OK, your coach will help you achieve them. :)

Keeping it SUPER SIMPLE:

There is a lot to eventually learn, but you only need to know and do a few simple core things right away and consistently for this to be a success for you.
  • watching too many videos can inform but also overwhelm so stick to your training in the Finish Line Leaders App
  • you want QUICK WINS
  • go through your welcome email
  • get over to the training tab (here) and start at the top, go through it a little bit every day

  • workout and drink your Shakeology
  • post on your page 3-5 times per day and share the journey and experience (Post with fitness, food, motivation, family fun, how beachbody is changing your life, etc..)
  • add new friends daily - start with 3 per day and work up to 20 per week
  • invite via a personal message 5-10 people DAILY to your next challenge group (MORE people = your biz will grow faster!)
  • reading 10 minutes of personal development daily
  • Set aside time to get into your training and start taking action  ____________________________________________________________________________

    OK, lets get started!!!

    The Basics: 
    Getting Set Up For Your NEW 
    Beachbody Coaching Business!

    Think of this training as setting a  foundation for what you need to know. If I were to step into YOUR job it would take me 30-90 days to "GET IT" and feel comfortable with everything, then I would feel more confident in what I was doing and more efficient and effective. BE OK with the learning process and we LEARN through DOING! :)

    ___ Step 1. Review Your Welcome Email (see email from your coach)

    ___ Step 2: Download your Finish Line Leaders App

    ___ Step 3: Beachbody Basics:

    Get Your Beachbody Online Office Set Up :
    To help you get the very basics of what is called your COACH ONLINE OFFICE and get set up.
    Watch these videos and follow the instructions on how to edit your websites and especially set up EFT Management (direct deposit) so that your paychecks go directly deposited into your account and there is no waiting on a check in the mail to get paid. We want to get paid and get paid fast right?!
    -This is your profile and websites link:
    -How to Navigate Your Coach Online Office:

    - All PERKS to the Team Beachbody Club membership (not the same as your Coach membership) and WHY you want it!:


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Beachbody Coach Quarterly Bonus


The amount of money you get in your bonus varies a little each time because it is based on how much volume was created in the entire company over that quarter. This amount may be slightly different one way or the other, but here is how it currently breaks down:
  •  2 Star Diamond Bonus Amount – $918.10
  •  5 Star Diamond Bonus Amount – $2,797.52
  •  10 Star Diamond Bonus Amount – $12,515.20
  •  15 Star Diamond Bonus Amount – $23,778.88
Just getting the amount listed for your rank is a pretty good deal, right? Now, the cool thing is that whatever level you are at you get all the bonuses below you as well. For example, if you are 5 star diamond you would also get the 2 star diamond bonus each quarter. So, if you are 15 star diamond, you would get the 10 star, 5 star, and 2 star bonus as well. That adds up to an extra $40,008.92 a quarter. . . that’s over $160,000 a year just in from the bonuses!
10 Star Diamond would earn:
  • 2 Star Diamond Bonus: $918.10
  • 5 Star Diamond Bonus: $2797.52
  • 10 Star Diamond Bonus: $12,515.20
Grand Total: $16,230.82 per Quarter!!!
15 Star Diamond would earn:
  • 2 Star Diamond Bonus: $918.10
  • 5 Star Diamond Bonus: $2797.52
  • 10 Star Diamond Bonus: $12,515.20
  • 15 Star Diamond Bonus: $23,778.88
Grand Total: $40,009.70 per Quarter!!!
Not to mention, this is just an extra bonus you get for reaching those levels. It is not even including the commission and team cycle bonuses you are earning yourself every single week. I don’t know about you, but this is a huge incentive for me to get my butt in gear and make it to these ranks as fast as I can.
Make it happen.....because you can!
This is possible for anyone!

Monday, February 15, 2016

21 Day Fix Daily Challenge Posts

21 Day Fix Daily Challenge Posts

(Posts are best with pictures to grab attention.  Google is always a great place to find pictures to go along with each post.) 

Introductions – Welcome to the 21 Day Fix Fitness Challenge! I’m so excited you’ve all agreed to take this journey with me!  I’d like to do some introductions to the group so we all know each other and can encourage each other through the next 21 days.  I’ll start! (Substitute your own intro into the yellow highlighted portion…) My name is Carrie Morris, and I’m excited to be in this group with you!  I started my journey in April with the 21 Day Fix and quickly found out how much I love this program!  I wanted to help others start to feel as good as I was feeling, so I signed up as a coach.  I’m married to a rockstar, Brad, and together we have four beautiful princesses.  I also work the grave shift in the ER as a unit secretary.  I used to work as a Firefighter/Paramedic and I loved that aspect of helping others feel better.  I have found that this coaching ties into those same feelings so much.  It’s rewarding to hear the people in these groups share how wonderful they feel after so many years of feeling bad and how they are starting to fit into clothes they haven’t worn in a long time!  I’m excited to see the same happen for each of you!

Meal Planning – I hope you have all taken the time to read your nutrition guide that came with your program.  If you haven’t yet, please, please do so! It will save you so much stress and answer so many questions.  A vital key to making the next 21 days successful is to do your meal planning.  You’ll find a formula on page 4 that will help you figure out your caloric intake.  Then, on page 19, you’ll find the corresponding column that will tell you how many of each container you need to eat during the day.  Example, I’m in the 1500-1799 calorie bracket.  I get to eat 4 reds, 4 greens, 3 purples, 3 yellows, 1 blue, 1 orange, and 4 tsps a day.  I then plan my meals according to my containers, just making sure that I get all my containers in throughout the day.  So, here is a sample of my meal planning for two days.  We have uploaded these meal planning guides into the file sections of our group.  There is one for every calorie intake group.  Get the list of approved foods in your nutrition guide and make your daily plans with those. Remember that your Shakeology counts as a red container.

Meal Prep – Meal prep is vital to succeeding at this program.  I make all my meal plans and then go grocery shopping according to what I have planned to eat.  Then, on Saturday or Sunday prior to my week, I make big batches of food and have them ready to grab and go every day.  I’ll bake up a bunch of chicken breasts, make turkey chili, turkey meatloaf, steel cut oats and have veggies ready at hand to grab.  It has really saved me when I’m running late and am super hungry.  Instead of grabbing food that isn’t 21 Day Fix approved, I’m able to grab food that I have prepped and it is so much easier and better for me. The best part is that it only takes me about an hour or two of meal prep and then I’m done for the week.

Things you need …. I hope you have all read your nutrition guide by now.  If you haven’t, please pick it up and do so.  Also, please take your pictures and your measurements.  You will find a pamphlet which came in your program that is titled, “Start Here.”  Inside, you will find the schedule of workouts to do each day.  On the back side, you will find a place to write down your measurements.  You’re not required to post your measurements or your pictures, but I promise you that you will want them later in the program.  When you follow this program, you’re bound to succeed.  Sometimes the scale doesn’t show all your progress, but the measurements and the pictures will!!  This was my experience during the second week of my first challenge.  I was so grateful to have those pictures and measurements.
You will need to start the program is to get some dumbbells (a light and heavy set).  I started out with 5lb and 8lb weights.  If you are doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme, you’ll need the dumbbells and also a resistance band for your workouts.  You can find these fairly cheap at Walmart.

Point System – Good morning everyone! Here is an explanation of the point system we will be doing! It's a lot of explanation but explains that starting Monday you will be able to earn up 8 points per day.
Nutrition ----3 POINTS - Perfect Nutrition, NO CHEATS!
2 POINTS -Didn't get all containers in or Tiny Cheat!
1 POINT - Small Cheat, Not Perfect
0 POINTS - Big Cheat
Workout ---2 POINTS - Good, Hard Workout
1 POINTS - Did Workout, ok Effort
0 POINTS - No workout
Water ---- 1 POINT- drinking 1/2 of your body weight in oz of H2o per day
0 POINTS for not drinking our water allotment
Daily Challenge - 1 Point for Participation
Daily Check In - 1 point for your post to report your nutrition, workout and water if posted on that day!! (CHECK IN DAILY!!)

So an example check in would be "I ROCKED my day today and got a 3,2,1!" OR "I drank all my water, got an awesome workout it and stuck to my nutrition like a champ!!"

Every morning we post a daily challenge post and every evening we post a check in post. We "Pin" these posts to the top of the page so you can easily find them. If you can't find the post you need to click on this "view pinned post" that's right under our header. Stay active and involved in this group and you will see great results!!!

Day 1 – Welcome to DAY 1 of the 21 Day Fix Group! We are so excited for each of you! We hope you have had a chance to review the prep week and have had time to prepare for this! Each day, we will be posting a daily challenge to help you stay on track during the day!  Today’s challenge is Motivational Monday! This is your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration, so let’s get there!  Here we go! Your challenge today is to go to Pinterest or Google, and share one motivational photo with the group AS A COMMENT TO THIS POST. Motivation is not something we wake up with every day.  We have to seek it out! 

Day 1 Report – You’ve made it through day 1! Congrats! You are making a major commitment to yourself and you should be so very proud. Today I want you to take some time and share your thoughts on day one of your program. How did you feel? What are some tips that you can offer everyone? I know day one is always the most exciting and the scariest!! So please Share!

Every night, we will be asking you to report in your score for the day.  If you remember from our “Points” post, you get 3 points for perfect nutrition, 2 if you didn’t get all your containers in or had a small cheat, 1 for a medium cheat, and 0 if you fell off the wagon completely.  Your workout can be scored with 2 points if you pushed start and tried your hardest, 1 point if you pushed play and just kind of went through the motions, and 0 if you didn’t get your workout in today.  If you were able to drink all your water, (half your body weight in ounces), you receive 1 point.  So, a perfect day with nutrition, workout and water would be reported as 3,2,1.  If you are reporting your score on the same day of the workout, you’ll get a point for that and a point for doing the daily challenge.  So, you’re able to receive 8 points a day.  So, post your score in the comments below please! Hoping to see lots of 3,2,1’s!!

Day 2: Tasty Tuesdays are always the Best! Let’s keep it real simple today! We are just starting this journey! What is your favorite naughty food!??! Dessert? Pizza? Beer? What is the one thing that you are going to give up and why is it going to be challenging for you?


BONUS: Let’s see a photo of you throwing one naughty item away! 


Day 2 (afternoon post)


I firmly believe that if you are drinking Shakeology you need to know why! 

Did you know that Shakeology not only helps you lose weight, but it also cleans out your system. The main ingredients of Shakeology act as a gentle scrub brush for your insides, grabbing on to waste, and toxins and flushing them right out. Over a 3 month period (or even sooner) you will start to notice that you feel more awake, energized, and clear headed. That is because much of the garbage in your body has left your system. This is one of the many reasons you should drink Shakeology with your program! A clean body is a much more efficient body. 


Day 2 Report – Good evening!  How was day 2? Any victories today that you would like to share with the group? Were you able to pass up the cookie or donut at work? Did you push super hard throughout your whole workout or did you find a new recipe to try?  Let’s see your scores for the day in the comments below!

Day 3: ITS WACKY WEDNESDAY: Are you ready to have some fun. Squats are the best way to get your butt in shape! Every time you go to the rest room, I want 10 squats! Post a photo of you squatting in the bathroom. NO TOILET PHOTOS PLEASE :) HEHE

Day 3 Report – It is normal to feel super sore at this point! Keep moving and drinking lots of water to flush out those toxins!  Let’s see those scores in the comments below!

Day 4: Thirsty Thursday! Getting a gallon of water a day is crucial to your fitness journey. THE BODY CRAVES ELECTROLYTES HEHE! You need water to thrive. If you get to a point where you are thirsty, then it is too late, you're dehydrated! I want everyone to aim for 1 gallon of water today! Share photos of you and your gallon! I use a Shakeology shaker cup, and I have to fill it up 4 times a day! 


 Benefits of good water intake!

1. you will clean out your body

2. you will feel energized

3. you will feel less hungry

4. your skin will shine

5. your hair will shine


So, why not right!?!?!

Day 4 Report – Did you get your whole gallon of water in today? Are you starting to feel any difference in yourself after 4 days of clean eating and exercising? Share your thoughts and your scores in the comments below.

Day 5: Friday - Accountability starts with sharing with people around you what you are doing. You need to put it out there to the world that you are on a mission and you need help to stay accountable. 

Here are your instructions for today’s challenge. Post on your Facebook a list of your goals, a public declaration that you need help to stay accountable, and a photo of you flexing, or smiling, or sweating. Whatever. Not only are you going to get some amazing feedback but you are also going to put yourself one step closer to your goals. Share your post to this page. 

Day 5 Report – Good evening! How was your day? After your post today, did you have positive feedback from your challenge post? Was it difficult putting yourself out there?  Let’s hear your thoughts and see some scores!

Day 6 – Stick To it, Saturday! Its picture of your food day… OH NO SHE DIDN’T!!! YEP THAT’S RIGHT. Saturdays are the hardest!! This group is for 21 days people! You’ve got to keep it clean for 21 days. NO cheats. Saturday is not Faturday! Saturday is a test of your strength. So Post a photo of every meal to this page. Even if it’s naughty. Post it up in the comments. We are all watching and cheering for you!

I love sharing with you all some of the reasons Shakeology is amazing. Our food today is not what is used to be. If you look at photos of your great or great, great grandfather, and grandmother you will more than likely notice that they were not overweight or obese. The obesity epidemic is new to our society. Here is one of the main reasons why: The food that we consume today is not the same as the food our great grandparents consumed in their day! An apple today is not the same as an apple in the 1930's!!! Our food today is so stripped of all of the nutrients that our bodies need to thrive properly. The chemicals in the air, the chemicals pumped into our food, the way we raise out poultry, beef, and fish... all affect our food negatively. Shakeology is like taking 5 trips to the salad bar!!! Shakeology picks up where your diet leaves off. Even if we were eating 5 square clean meals a day, we still aren’t getting what our bodies need to function properly. Shakeology is an insurance policy for your health. Shakeology insures proper nutrition every single day. I know even though I work in fitness, I struggle to get the proper nutrition in my diet, and with being so busy, Shakeology makes it easy. I intend on drinking Shakeology for the rest of my life. I don't feel the same without it. I feel amazing, and so will you!

Day 6 Report – How was your day?! Did you stay strong with the nutrition? Don’t give up on yourself if you happened to give into temptation. Tomorrow is a new day! Hit it strong! Tell us your scores in the comments below and have a wonderful night!

Day 7: Sunday- Rest day Enjoy your day off from the group challenge… remember to eat clean and fill your body with good nutrition.  The first weigh in and measurements will be tomorrow, so remember that throughout your day! Have a blessed day!

Day 7 Report – How was your day? Peaceful, restful? On point still with your nutrition? Ready to weigh in and do measurements in the morning? Tell us how you did today in the comments below.


Day 8: Happy Motivational Monday- Post a picture in the comments below to help keep the motivation going for yourself and your teammates here in the group! We can all use a little motivation on a Monday, right?! Do you LOVE your Shakeology like I do?? Did you know that you can save $30 per month on it? YES! YOU! CAN! You can get what we call a Preferred Customer Coach Discount - -the same discount as your coach, but you never have to do anything with business part -- you just get the benefits of saving 25% off of everything! Pretty cool right? Team Beachbody is allowing ANY customer who has purchased a Challenge Pack, at any time, to upgrade to a Coach for FREE! So, you get the Preferred Customer Coach Discount and get to continue enjoying your daily Shakeology at a lower price! Yay!! Just talk to your coach and they can help you get enrolled in the discount program!

Weekly Weigh In! (post mid morning)
It’s time to report in your weekly weight loss and inches lost.  Don’t be discouraged if there isn’t a change in the scale. Trust the process and keep at it.  Tell us how you’re doing!

Day 8 Report – Good evening! How was your Monday? Ready for a new week? Let’s make a commitment to hit this week hard and shoot for perfect scores! You can do it! Shout out your scores in the comments below!

Day 9: Tasty Tuesday!! Share with the group your favorite clean eating recipe along with a photo. First post it to your timeline to inspire others around you and then share it to our group page!!! Inspire others! What is your favorite way of making your Shakeology? You all are drinking Shakeology and that’s amazing, but do you know why ? Do you know why Shakeology costs what it does, why you're drinking it faithfully? It’s delicious, and it’s making you lose weight… yay! What else? 

Day 9 Report - Having any slip ups or oopsies!?! Don't be shy! Share with the group what is going and get back on the wagon. We are here to support you. This is no easy task! We want you to succeed. 

Day 10: Wednesday - It’s that time again! Wacky Wednesday! Let’s have a little fun. Planks are good and they are bad! Lol, they are good because they kick your butt, they are bad because they hurt. I encourage all of you to download the amazing APP, Timer Cam. Next I want a photo of you planking. Set your timer, turn on your favorite tunes or audio book, grab a paperback, DISTRACT yourself, and get planking! Post your pic and your time as a comment to this thread. Good luck! :D


Day 10 Report - You guys have all been serious rockstars within this group. Have you enjoyed motivating one another? Have you enjoyed sharing your journey with others. It does not have to end. Many of my challengers have gone on to become amazing Beachbody Coaches. This is an opportunity for you to get physically and financially fit! You get to continue motivating and working towards your own personal goals, while earning income! Comment below if you would like more details. Shout out your scores in the comments below!


Day 11: Thirsty Thursdays- Who's going for 1 gallon of water today? Do you know why I keep asking you to drink more liquids? Water will actually knock out cravings, make you energized, give you the sense of being full, and cleans out your body. You muscles also need water to repair themselves. Drinking plenty of water flushes out the toxins, and the soreness in your muscles, so that you can work hard the next day. Water is essential for your body, so drink up!!!   I challenge all of you to share one factoid about water on your Facebook timeline, and then sharing it to our group page! 


Day 11 Report - How are you guys feeling? You should be more than half way through your gallon of water. Anyone peeing a lot? That’s a good thing! You're flushing out your system. Wash out your body like you wash your clothes and dishes!!! It’s late… STAY AWAY FROM THE PANTRY. DINNER IS DONE, AND IF YOU ARE HUNGRY DRINK MORE WATER!!! If you are shaky, light headed, grumpy, or hangry, grab a handful of unsalted raw almonds and half of an apple. Call it good.  Shout out your scores in the comments below.


Day 12: Friday - #Flex Friday! Let’s see those guns. I am sure most of you have already started to see results. Post a photo of your favorite part of your body that has made a change during this challenge so far. PG only!!! ;)


Day 12 Report - Friday nights are tough, this s a 21 day challenge…YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A CHEAT MEAL OR A NAUGHTY MEAL. You will be able to in 10 days. This 21 days are all about feeling the best you can feel. It’s all about being the best that you can be. Don't give up on that for a stupid craving. Once the 21 days are done and you have hit your goal, have a treat or two, and then get on a maintenance schedule where you can have a treat a week, but don't do it now. Stay in tonight and drink your water and enjoy some fruits and veggies. Bask in how good you feel being strong!


Day 13: Stick to it, Saturday - It’s picture of your food day… OH NO SHE DIDN’T!!! YEP, THAT’S RIGHT. Saturdays are the hardest. This joinery is for 21 days, people! You gotta keep it clean for 21 days. NO cheats. Saturday is not Faturday. Saturday is a test of your strength. So Post a photo of every meal to this page. Even if it’s naughty. Post it up. We are all watching you.  :D  Has anyone seen any major changes in their skin/hair/nails since starting Shakeology!?!


Day 13 Report – How was your Saturday? Did you resist all temptation? Did you hold strong to your commitment? Let’s hear how you did!!

Day 14: Sunday - Enjoy your day off from the group challenges… remember to eat clean and make good decisions. Enjoy your Yoga and stretching those muscles. The weigh in and measurements tomorrow will not lie, so remember that in your day!


Day 14 Report – How was your Sunday? Ready for another great week? It’s the last of this challenge.  Let’s make it the best one yet!


Day 15: Monday - Happy Motivational Monday Gang! This is your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. So let’s get fired up. Your challenge today is to share a motivational thought or pic, and also give us some feedback on how and if this group has helped with YOUR daily motivation. Admit it, if we all waited to workout when we felt truly motivated, we would only work out a handful of times during a year!!

Weekly Weigh In! yes, it's that time again!
It’s time to report in your weekly weight loss and inches lost. Don’t be discouraged if there isn’t a change in the scale. Trust the process and keep at it. Tell us how you’re doing!


Day 15 Report – How was your Monday? Are you committed to finishing this week out strong? Let’s get you the best results possible for all your hard work! Let’s do this! Shout out your scores below.


Day 16: Tasty Tuesday: What is your favorite recipe from your nutrition guide or that you’ve found on Pinterest?!? What is on the table for dinner tonight? Please report back! We all need ideas.  Desserts… ugh, we all crave them, and sometimes they are necessary. What clean treats have you found? For me: Dark Chocolate with 70% Cacau.  Mmnnnn.


Day 16 Report – How was your day? Let’s hear your victories and how you’re feeling about the exercises.  Are you getting stronger?  Shout out your score in the comments below, please.  :D


Day 17: WALL SIT WEDNESDAY TIME. Oh you know it’s on! Remember how you distracted yourself with your plank from last week? Well, use that same distraction tool and get to doing a wall sit! This is a great way to strengthen your core and your legs! Post your pic and your time in the comments to this post! Let’s go! :D Wednesdays are also for wisdom. What have you learned so far? Through your journey what are some words of wisdom that you can offer to everyone?


Day 17 Report – Let’s hear it! How did you do today? Loved seeing your Wall Sit pics!  Loved the words of wisdom even more!


Day 18: Transformation Thursday: We are almost finished with this fitness challenge.  So, the question begs to be asked... What is the biggest transformation you have seen in yourself? Whether it's physical or emotional or mental, please share it with the group! Let us celebrate your victories! Pictures are always welcome!

A part of this challenge is drinking Shakeology. Are you loving it? Are you seeing a change in your body? Share with everyone one thing that you have noticed about yourself that has changed while drinking Shakeology.


Day 18 Report – Did you get your gallon in?  Let’s hear how your last Thursday of this challenge went! Tell us about your day!


Day 19: #Flex Friday! Let’s see those guns. I am sure most of you have really started to see results! Post a photo of your favorite part of your body that has made a change during this challenge so far.  Isn’t it exciting to feel and see the changes in your body?!


Day 19 Report – We are heading into the weekend! Are you prepared to make the best decisions to finish this challenge strong? Make yourself proud! Resist those temptations for the weekend and have a great weekend! Let’s hear how you did today!


Day 20: Saturday - Saturdays are the HARDEST! This group is for 21 days people, not 19 1/2! You’ve gotta keep it clean for 21 days. Finish this challenge strong. Don't let Saturday defeat you. Saturday is a test of your strength! So, once again, for that extra accountability, post a photo of at least 3 meals today. Naughty or Nice. Post it up. We are all cheering for you! FINISH STRONG!


Day 20 Report – Saturday is over! Did you stay strong? Let’s hear about your day! If any of you are interested in joining our next group, please talk to your coach and let her know. 


Day 21: Sunday - Sundays are a great day to start prepping your food for the week. Has anyone already tried this? If so can you share some tips? I absolutely love the idea of having Tupperware full of clean tasty food ready for the week. No excuses right!?!?  Just because we are on our last day of this challenge, don’t let all that you’ve learned and the new habits you’ve created go to waste! Keep this lifestyle and continue on with the success you’ve created!  Enjoy a rest day from the Challenges, but continue to make good decisions.  Tomorrow is our final weigh in!


Day 21 Report – Thank you so much for being a part of this challenge group! We have loved being a part of it with you! It’s your last check in! Did you finish strong?! Let’s see it!


Day 22 – Final Weigh In!  What are your final stats? How much weight lost and how many inches are you down?  Let’s celebrate those victories!!

Bonus Point system
sweaty pic = 2 pts
Shakeology = 2 pts
Motivational pic or recipe = 2 pts
Invite someone to do group with you = 20 pts (also makes more accountability for challenger)
(Another idea) Picture of the day – Before pic, shakeology, goal outfit, sweaty pic, weights, family pic, dream vacation pic, recipe, clean eating dinner.  BECOME MORE INTERACTIVE!!!
Most points entered to win prize – (BB products) Tub of E&E or Energize.  That way you can advertise the whole 30 days for BB products.